X-Ray Vs. GPR: Which is More Effective for Concrete Scanning?


Technology in the construction industry is continuously revolutionizing and upgrading. The introduction of concrete scanning technology has allowed contractors to detect obstructions and underground utilities before coring, drilling, and cutting of concrete surfaces. If hidden obstructions are damaged during the process, the consequences can be costly. They include project delays, injury to workers, or even cost overruns. There are two nondestructive methods of concrete scanning: X-Ray scanning and Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) scanning. Here is a comparison of the two methods to guide you in choosing the better one for your project.

Image quality

High quality and accurate imaging is crucial for contractors to correctly analyze the depth and orientation of embedded objects. If the quality of images is poor, inaccurate estimations can be made, and this can be costly to the project. X-ray scanning technology has the upper hand when it comes to projects that require clear and precise images. You can be able to clearly observe and analyze all the objects contained beneath the concrete. X-ray scanning is suitable when definitive information about the objects is required.

Although GPR doesn't match up to X-ray in terms of clarity and precision, it has come close and delivers quality images that can be accurately analyzed. It is suitable when you just need to scan an area without an in-depth analysis of the objects underneath. Unless high precision is key in the scanning process, GPR is sufficient to deliver the expected result.

Time factor

You only require to access one side of the slab thickness to use concrete GPR scanning; hence, the scanning process can be completed within a short time. GPR does not pose the risk of radiation to workers; therefore, safety procedures such as erecting radiation hazards signs, training personnel, and wearing special monitoring devices are not necessary. This makes it easy for the scanning process to commence immediately.  Urgent and time-constrained projects can benefit from this technology.

On the other hand, X-ray is a slower process and can take quite some hours to complete since you have to access both sides of the slab thickness to X-ray. In addition to this, special safety procedures have to be undertaken to protect personnel against radiation hazards. In high-traffic areas, the scanning has to be done during off-business hours to avoid radiation exposure to passers-by and other people around the project area.

Cost of scanning

X-ray equipment are usually more expensive than GPR. Also, the pre-scanning safety procedures, precautions, and workers training can make the process even more expensive due to increased labor hours and overhead costs. On the other hand, GPR equipment is less costly, and less labor hours translate into savings.

Both GPR and X-ray are suitable technologies for concrete scanning. However, GPR is preferable in all aspects unless when the project requires high precision and clarity in the quality of images.


5 August 2016

Creating a new parking zone

We have had a space out by the back of the shop for parking since the shop opened. But we noticed that fewer and fewer customers were using it and more customers mentioned the lack of parking in our area. It turned out that they didn't like parking on the back, unsealed lot as this made their shoes muddy and their car dirty. We used a concrete contractor to come and seal the carpark as well as mark out defined parking bays. The customers love it and we have noticed an increase in business. This site talks about how small businesses can create parking spaces with concreting to improve their customer experience.