Different Decorative Concrete Types Laid Out for Beginners


Decorative concrete redefines the use of concrete when it comes to buildings and general construction. Traditionally, concrete serves as a practical construction material used to set up beams, pillars, walls and other structural elements. However, decorative concrete changes the narrative and focuses on using concrete for enhancing the beauty and aesthetic appeal of the structure. Transforming concrete into a decorative element requires various materials and styles. The technique you choose determines if you will carry out the decorative work when pouring the concrete of after the concrete cures. Here is an exploration of the various types of decorative concrete to give you more insights into this product:

Stamped Concrete

Just as the name suggests, stamped concrete focuses on adding texture to laid concrete to make it look like natural stone or bricks. The key is to add colour and texture to a plain concrete surface. During the process, builders press moulds into plastic concrete to create distinct patterns. The moulds leave an imprint in the plastic concrete, patterning it as it dries. Simultaneously, the builders bring in dry shakes to alter the colour of the surface into something that you prefer. They can also use liquid releasers, powders releasers and colour hardeners to ensure that the colour sits well in place.

Acid Staining

You can also achieve decorative concrete finishes through acid staining. Unlike ordinary pigment colouring and dyeing, acid staining delivers the finish through chemical reactions. The builder combines mineral salts, water and muriatic acid and applies it to the concrete surface. When the combination encounters the lime in your concrete, it generates earth tone colours on the surface after a few hours. The finishing involves scrubbing the surface to eliminate excess deposits of stain, followed by a solution of ammonia to neutralise the area.

Note that old exterior concrete surfaces may not work well with acid staining. The exterior environment percolates and leaches the concrete surface, reducing the effectiveness of the finish.

Concrete Overlays

The last option to read about here is concrete overlays. Customarily, concrete overlays date back several decades. These overlays come as thin toppings of a cementitious layer that adheres to the existing concrete surface. It provides a newly resurfaced face that restores what had worn out previously. One of the top benefits of these overlays is excellent adherence to the existing surface and long-term water resistance. The inclusion of water-resistant cement in the finish makes it a better option than acrylic resins and other overlay options.  


14 December 2020

Creating a new parking zone

We have had a space out by the back of the shop for parking since the shop opened. But we noticed that fewer and fewer customers were using it and more customers mentioned the lack of parking in our area. It turned out that they didn't like parking on the back, unsealed lot as this made their shoes muddy and their car dirty. We used a concrete contractor to come and seal the carpark as well as mark out defined parking bays. The customers love it and we have noticed an increase in business. This site talks about how small businesses can create parking spaces with concreting to improve their customer experience.